Sunday, 24 May 2009

Sunny Sunday

Well it's now Sunday evening here in Sunny Liverpool, and it was sunny today judging on the vast amount of flesh I saw on display on the streets...

Drinking: My 3rd pot of tea of the day
Liking: The fact that it's bank hol monday tomorrow = no work!!!!
Looking forward to: A nice Bertie Birthday BBQ tomorrow (26 you old trollop)
Reading: A book on Jacob Epstein. I've finished the other one at last - it was great, I think I'll have to get the next one in the series
Listening to: Bob Dylan and Bud Flanagan again!
Making: Cutting papers and patches for Mum's patchwork

Image of the day: The Librarian Action Figure - left to look after the Library all on her own tomorrow - no doubt she'll do a better job than me!

1 comment:

Papoosue said...

Hope you're enjoying your bank holiday petal, we don't get it here. The kids get the 1st and 2nd June off instead. The Jacob Epstein book looks interesting, I'm not familiar with his work but the cover really reminded me of some of Eduardo Paolozzi's pieces - there are a lot of them in and around the Dean Gallery in Edinburgh - love them. Ah, you've just inspired me to go and make a cup of tea - redbush for me today! xxxx