Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Halfway through the week already!

I can't believe it's Wednesday! What a mad old week it's been.

Liking: The smell of the new washing tablets I've just used
Listening: Muse and Glenn Miller (I know it's an odd combination)
Drinking: Hopefully a cup of tea, the milk is a little suspect...
Reading: Still reading the book from yesterday - was too tired last night to read which almost always never happens
Making: or should that be taking? Photographs
Coveting: An afternoon spent here
Looking forward to: The long bank hol weekend and Bertie's Birthday!

Photo of the day: Picture of sculpture in progress, inspired by Wilfred Owen (I promise it'll make more sense when finished!)

1 comment:

tea and cake said...

Which bit of Wilfred Owen are you sculpting, himself or something from what he has written?