Sunday, 2 December 2007

The reluctant blogger....

I've been reluctant about blogging recently. Not because I don't want to, it's just I'm rapidly approaching post 100 (this is 99) and I'm feeling the pressure to produce something brilliant (there is a first time for everything) so anyone out there what shall I write about??? I could go traditional and divulge 100 things about me, I could go entirely pictorial and photograph my day leading up to my hundreth post, I could go the whole pretend it's just like any other post route... Tell you what anyone out there, first time visitor, lurker, or previous commenter. Do you have a question? Feel free to ask it and I'll answer as part of my post as well as perhaps a representation from a few different options..... plus I'll tell you about the disaster that was my trip to the hairdressers yesterday.....