This blog is 3 on 16th, and it's reminded me of just how much I've neglected it. I've had a bit of an excuse the last few weeks. I've been out of commission with nasty lurgy and a chest infection which has left me with a voice that would be excellent to run one of "those" phonelines...
I'm all out of synch with sleeping patterns despite being really tired still. I've also had enough of this sodding weather, I've got major cabin fever and I'm turning into my grandfather (I'm wearing three cardigans)
I'm going to go to bed now - the computer is telling me it's 01.26 in the morning so bed calls and dougal is looking at me wanting to go to bed too bless him (I'm at my ma and pa's) Gosh this is a rambly post!
I'll leave you with a pretty picture, a reflection of the christmas tree on the wall... see you soon. S x