Wednesday 30 January 2008

Oh it's a lovely 'oliday with Sarah...

This week, I have abandoned the Library and I'm on holiday. I say holiday, I have a week off to try and impose some sense of order upon my abode and to do the things for which weekends are generally to precious to waste (eye test, buying a hoover, going to the tip) the most painful of which is my decision to empty one full bookcase and take it's contents to the Charity shop have you ever tried to do that, it's like choosing a child to get rid of, well is for me anyhow, I have to get the "ladies" (read evil octogenarians with no concept of time) to prise the bags out of my hands. Is it just me, or does everyone else have holidays like this.... I'm even planning another week in March so I can have my garden done (oh the excitement). I'm getting v jealous of Sophers who is off to Uganda in July, so please someone tell me, where can I go on holiday for ten bob?... answers on a postcard....

Sarah (it's only my happiness that keeps me going) the misery arse


Anonymous said...

misery arse or not, you still make me laugh!
I keep thinking that I will have a huge tidy up of my sewing room, but it will have to wait until I retire! I don't think there are enough hours in the week otherwise!

Angel Jem said...

You can have my broom cupboard for 5 pounds and I'll even throw in breakfast. Good bargain, eh?