Monday 23 June 2008

Quilt Show - Glutton for punishment! Invitation

As some of you may remember, Mum, Jenny and I went to the Quilt Show in Birmingham last year. I enjoyed looking at the fabric etc, however I was unsurprisingly non-plussed by the behaviour of a lot of the attendees, most of whom when confronted with a young person who behaved in the same way would have a great deal to say about it, and quite rightly so. I’ve decided to go on own this year, I don’t mind getting stroppy with middle aged and elderly harridans who annoy me, but I felt like I should at least show some decorum last year so as not to get Mum and Jenny thrown out. I still want to go ( I do realise I said I'd NEVER go again - womans perogative to change her mind!), and whilst I'm not adverse to attending on my own, I suspect there will be some other bloggers there and it is always nice to have a cup of tea with someone! So – I’m throwing this open, should there be any bloggers going this year – would anyone like to have a meet up? We can form an “I’ll watch your stuff whilst you do this” committee, assist in fending off any evil old biddies (I’ll practice my best scouse – that’ll frighten ‘em) caution against daft purchases and support and come up with plausible reasons for brilliant ones! Plus a few words of advice if you are going incognito and you haven't been before – take plenty to drink (queue’s are long) a packed lunch (food prices extortionate) a large bag for purchases (and beating the evil ones) and a mobile (for triangulation!) and don't forget to sharpen your elbows....


Sandi McBride said...

Oh how I wish I could meet up with you altho I'm more of your Mum's age than yours and you'd probably want to get (what is it?) stroppy with me...but I loved quilting back when my fingers worked nimbly and quick...and love collecting squares as if lol...have fun hope you meet up with a friend or two!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah,
I mentioned to Kevin a couple of weeks back about The Birmingham Quilt Fest. I told him I would like to go. He never answered me! I wonder why that could be?
Which day are you going? I still might be able to get round Kevin to drive us!
Cheers for now,