Thursday 7 June 2007

Round two

It seems like such a long time since I last posted.... well actually it is for me, not since Sunday!

I'm at Mr & Mrs LSM this evening and I thought I'd post not only another photo to please Sophie, but also the view next to me!

Such a nice view, with homemade bunting (yup me again!) some of LSM's collection of.. well I don't know what its called, but it comes with her accent written on it!! and the little miniature from Dad's Mum and Dad's house.

I love that little picture I have often wondered who it is and if I'm related, what they grew up to be like, if they went bald like my Grandfather and my Father. Did they go to sea like my Great-grandfather or did they turn bad and drink and gamble. I wish I'd been old enough to ask.

I've tried and tried to get the following photo of Grandma and Grandad to go right, but this is going to be the best go I'm afraid! So here they are .... presenting Mr & Mrs Rose

Its strange for me to look at this photo. I remember my Grandma quite well, but I never met my Grandfather, he died from polio when Mum was eight. I see him in my Uncles, cousins and brother now. From all accounts he was a pretty remarkable man. He was an engineer and teacher, he could knit and sew and cook. He could turn his hand to most things and he's passed that on to each of us in different ways.

My other grandfather was a much different man. He was very quiet and imposing and had the hugest hands and feet you have ever seen. He was also an engineer and was a dispatch rider in North Africa and Italy during the second world war and had been known to befriend Hell's angels helping them fix a broken bike whilst my grandmother served them all tea and cake and everyone else in the village battened down the hatches!

I think this provenance helps explain my personality, I come from a long line of strong people and its been fun to share them with you!


Perfectly Lovely said...

Hi sarah, this is the first time I have seen your blog to! How did I miss it!!...I'd love to have have some old photos of my grandparents but, 92yr old grandma is'nt redy to give any up yet.

The Wooden Spool said...

Ohh, I love these old photos....I miss my grandparents....all of them are gone on, now. So sad, really! I have British granny came from England and my grandpa from Ireland......actually this sounds silly, but my grandpa kinda looks like yours in this old photo! Honestly! Thanks for sharing!

The Wooden Spool said...

PS....both my mother and I inherited the same set of pottery from my greatgrandmother! I love those old earthenware pitchers/dishes! I have the charming! I stumbled upon a few more at an Antique shop in British Columbia, Canada (where my husband is from) NEAT!

AC said...

It is great to read about your family. You have some lovely old photos.
Take care,
Alison x.

Sophie Honeysuckle said...

That's another gorgeous photo Sara! Thanks for posting it!!